I've taken a sudden interest in LOMOGRAPHY. Here's wad it is.
Lomography is the use of Russian made camera’s called Lomo’s. For the most part they are cheaply built, and can be best described as throw-a-way cardboard style camera, made of plastic, that you can change rolls of film in. The philosophy behind them is to shoot from the hip, because there is no certain focus to them, and they are meant to be used in the spur of the moment.
here are the ten rules i learnt about lomography!
1. Take your camera everywhere you go
2. Use it anytime. Day / nite
3. Lomography is not an interference in ur life. But part of it
4. Try the shot from the hip
5. Approach the subjects of your lomographic desire as close as possible
6. Dont tink
7. Be fast
8. You dont have to know before hand wad you captured on film
9. Afterwards either
10. Don't worry about any rules