That place yields all those sweet secondary school memoirs.. where coffeebean was the place and 'chilltuna pasta' was the yummiest stuff ever. laughs
My friend Kelly was great company, so that made up for my summon. ( i forgot all about parking coupons) laughs. What a silly billy i was..
We had bbq stingray, satays, carrot cake, beancurd and sugakane *slurps* and we ended up really filled. When we were done giggling over everything, we took a slow walk towards his house. I liked it there, all that freee space, empty rooms, the 'illegal balcony' . Not to mention his 'video room' where there were 2 sofas , a home theatre system and KTV!
My house is a far cry from that.
Anyway i've got some books from Kelly once more. The valkyries and The fifth mountain. All by paulo choelo. Plus a tiny gift. ahhaha some velcro kitty notebook! I'll post you a picture of it tomorrow :)
Keane's coming out tomorrow so theres dinner with the boys in the evening. That boy hasnt seen us fellow humans in so long. I bet he hurts all over!