Sometimes, Im just appalled at how people spin money out of religion....or how a religious group turns into a consumer group..... Taken from
Talking doll establishes "direct connection with Jesus" says commercial
Posted by Mark Frauenfelder, June 16, 2008 3:14 PM | permalink
"Order your Talking Jesus Doll now for only $19.99. Don't miss this opportunity for your child to experience a direct connection with Jesus and the scriptures."
The Talking Jesus Doll is a religious treasure that recites key verses from the Bible aloud. Just press the button and the Talking Jesus Doll speaks to your child. It’s a great way to create a personal connection between God’s word and your child.
Now, I have a conservative take on Religion. I like religion to be pure and simple. No business pop star investing with the funds whatsoever. And definitely no Jesus action figures. thanks