I would eat 1/2 a dozen or more of Pierre Hermes Macaroons. Not to mention those from Laduree as well
go- faire du lèche-vitrine. "Licking the windows"
Spend an entire day in the Lourve
Another day in Musee Picasso
Go to all the different marchés to ogle at the gorgeous food and groceries
Take a picture at the arc de triompe and the Effiel tower
Spend time by the sidewalks of a boulangerie
I read that French government decides the price of a baguette or a croissant and it's the same all over France? Who knew?
ok let's continue
I'll ride my Velo and park them at any velib station on Rue Cambon
and what's a girl to do on Rue Cambon. go shopping at Chanel of course ! :)
(or 101 Rue Cambon......)
Bonjour Paris?