Happening on:
8 and 9th October. Ochard Central from 1-7pm!
Do drop by to say hi!
For more information check out http://lovefest2011.cozycot.com/
My Visual DNA - by the New York Times
ADVENTUROUS SPIRITYou have an artistic eye and your open-minded outlook on life means that you have a wide-ranging appreciation of the arts and culture. With your bold, adventurous personality, you have a creative flair and are often drawn to grand, striking ideas. You have got a wonderfully childlike spirit. You see the beauty in the simplest of things. Happiness is not something to save for the future, it's about living in the moment.
You're a fast-mover and feel energized about anything that gets your pulse racing! You're enthusiastic about life and an upbeat spirit who knows how to have fun and tends to value all which is fresh and new in the world. You tire quickly of old conventions and outdated ideas, wishing to experience new methods with youthful innocence and vigor. It's all about big thrills and exciting antics that take you out of your comfort zone. You want to feel connected to the world around you and actively seek out opportunities to get closer to nature. For you, it is all about broadening your horizons and living life to the fullest! Plan your next adventure on nytimes.com/travel.
(Ah marketing gimmick much?)
Take the Quiz here if you like http://tinyurl.com/3esmzom
Did you know that Rowan Atkinson’s film career began in 1983 with a supporting role in Never Say Never Again, touted as the “unofficial” James Bond movie? He did several other movies before he became Mr. Bean, the character that has become second skin to him.
First thing's first. Here's the trailer.
. Like it?
Now Johnny English reborn - The sequel to Johnny English - (A James Bond parody) is depending on how you take humour - "Unwatchable"? or it could be "unexpectedly hilarious"..
It was the formal for me, the later for my boyfriend.
The movie starts with Johnny hiding in Tibet after an assignment goes wrong. Living in shame, he is then trained in martial arts and then placed on an assignment to put a stop to the pending "assassination" of The Chinese Premier.
There are plenty of scenes where Johnny so effortlessly outsmarts his chinese opponents (A skilled kungfu dude, and a haughty (Creepy) faced granny (The people planning to assassinate the chinese premier). I probably preferred this half of the show alot better than the next where the stunts pulled were silly things like - the broken chair lever which caused Johnny's chair to heighten and lower to ridiculous levels. Or Johnny drinking a highly potent mind control elixir by mistake (which was no surprise)..
And the highlight: Johnny in Lipstick, Johnny is a wheelchair, and last but not least Johnny's rolls royce :)
All in all, I'll probably say watch it on a weekday if you have to. If you don't, the trailer has all the funny bits captured.
A study finds that - Nice guys earn on the average 18% less
Read the full article here: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/BUSINESS/08/16/money.and.meanness/index.html?iref=allsearch
Randy Pausch - an amazing amazing teacher and man
Now these are the three favourite quotes I have from Randy.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.
The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
You don't beat the grim reaper by living longer; you beat the grim reaper by living better.
And his testimony to the US Congress in bids to get more funding for Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the US, but receives extremely little federal funding to support research efforts. In March of 2008, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network went to Congress to urge the federal government to provide critical funding to speed the cure for this horrible disease.
September (I'm loving it)
My balenciaga papyrus giant rose gold work.
Thanks hun for the birthday gift. SO much love.