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    IPL experiences (Hair raising perhaps)

    I've 2 IPL packages for hair removal.

    One at Fabulous where I go for brazillian IPL hair removal and the other at Jean Yip for underarm hair removal

    At both estasblishments, I've gone for treatments 7 times each during the past half year and the effects were such contrast.

    I visit the Tan Quee Lan (BUGIS) branch,
    and things have been greats so far. Just some pesky fine hairs left after 7 visits.
    My package here cost about 1.4K for 8 sessions including my first trial session.
    Somethings I balk at how much it costs but at least the results have been fantastic and my therapist Joreen, is quite thorough and gives great service! Fabulous also helps by sending reminders to your phone a day or two before you appointment (great for forgetful fannies..pun intended). The wonderful thing is the equimpent used here doesn't require gel to be applied to your coochie. (pardon me).

    This is the IPL machine used at FAB. Alot larger than what you will find at Jean Yip..

    I've actually had a trial IPL session done at Strip once but swore never to do it again. Having icy cold gel squeezed all over your gluteus and fanny isn't a joke. Mostly it feels like you're sitting bare butt on an ice slab waiting for god knows what.

    But at Jean Yip (Tampines), my therapist insist that there has been effects. Although my observations tell me otherwise. I am contemplating if this is a waste of my time or not but decided to give it one or two more tries. My boyfriend purchased a groupon voucher awhile back (I think this cost about $129) and entitles me to 'unlimited' underarm IPL hair removal. The catch is that the first 6 sessions are a month apart, and subsequent sessions are 2months between each.

    Each time, they apply a type of gel to cool your skin and commence zapping your underarms some 4-6times per side (Sufficient? Not quite), the process then ends with a 15min cool down period with the old gel removed and colder gel placed on your underarms once again to tame the heated skin. Thereafter, a healing cream is applied and you're good to go. I am still waiting for a miracle which I hope will happen soon.

    That said, I am wondering if I should consider the underarm IPL trial at Fabulous for $48. Now if only there was a groupon deal for this one hehehe

    ‚ù§ "IPL experiences (Hair raising perhaps)" was Posted On: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 @2/01/2012 09:51:00 PM | 0 lovely comments ‚úø

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