my favourite sunnies!
you dont have to be a good photographer to capture nature..at it's best
me and jasmine babe in sunglasses..haha very retro aint it...ok but the price tags had to be left on..darn...haaa...spoils the pic doesnt it! woo
CCN daeee
the atmosphere around the entire of TP was boisterous...esp in the school of engineering. Hordes and hordes of fellow students flooded the concourse level...all perspiring profusely while allowing their hair to absorb the stinky cookin fumes..ha! .. I was pretty impressed when i got to the school of design . They had a performance which involved 2 students, 1 dancer and the other a beat boxer.I must confess i was taken aback when i saw how that guy actually danced, it proved to me that somehow he was malleable (he dint seem like he has a spine) . oh but in some ways the dance looked robotic? i just cant explain.
Business school was packed beyond words...so before i ventured in...i made a u-turn and left.
ok so Jessica and me actually coaxed our friends and some others into buying roses for us! And meliza came back and surprised me with an African Daisy...how sweet ! My honey was in a good mood too...and i just wanna thank him for workin just as hard to prep the flowers, remove their torns and for attaching the ribbons.. boy was he tired! ....so he deserves such a good rest tonight! Especially when he'll be working in the morning tomorrow while ill be in school workin on my project.. ...Im so gonna miss him....mmm.
the daisy meliza gave me...!
jes...lookin oh so sweet
newly formed boyband!
my fav pic! darling and meeee
the groupies
grOUpIEs againn
aRnon and meeee
red red roses
aNon...and jEss
the flowers sotong bought!
1. To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof: 'Our society permits people to sue for libel so that they may vindicate their reputations'(Irving R. Kaufman).
2. To provide justification or support for: vindicate one's claim.
3.To justify or prove the worth of, especially in light of later developments.
4. To defend, maintain, or insist on the recognition of [one's rights] for example.
5. To exact revenge for; avenge.
You need to pay the costs
You need to feel the loss
Cause love is expensive and free
really sweet lyrics
Found an old box in the bottom of the closet
'Neath the bowling ball bag full of magazines
Had a school sweater with a ring in the pocket
From my first cigar - man did I turn green
Hey honey come look at what I just found
This old picture of us when the carnival came to town
I was Superman, Tarzan
Thought I was a star in a rock 'n roll band
You were Lois Lane, Lady Jane
I wasn't very good
But you were the biggest fan of the man
That you're mamma warned you not to trust
Baby look at us
There's that bracelet I made you at your homecoming party
Bought a six-pack of Bud just to get the tabs
Took you home and you worely proudly
But I got in trouble when you showed your dad
Here's a speaker from the Dickson Drive-In show
What movie was playing we never did know
I was Superman, Tarzan
Thought I was a star in a rock 'n roll band
You were Lois Lane, Lady JaneI
wasn't very good
But you were the biggest fan of the man
That you're mamma warned you not to trust
Baby look at us...
cow and mee
our sumptious meal from marche..
i love this shelve full of piggies!!!
look whos sleeping hehe..its the cowww
JOEl got squISHEd!
the ah pui who broke the chair..haha k im kidding
dErek baRney and darren whos been cut off
hEe we're all SMILES!
hunny and mee...too bad he wasnt lookin towards the cam..ha
show me the GLOSS
Todae was awesome... Meliza and me sneaked out during lunch time...went all the way to parkway to have some fun. Ha played with the cosmetics at the clinique counter! Now im absolutely in luRve with clinque's new LIP GLOSS! Zulk said it was mesmerising..ha but damn am i a broke lil kid.... ha perhaps someone could get that for me on my birthday! haaa
Anyway i just downloaded this great song called California. By the phantom planet. It's the one on the OC soundtrack. I don't know much about that show cuz i don't watch it. But hell the song's good! Lastly has anyone heard of electrico? This local band..they're not bad. Here's their site... http://www.electricomusic.com/home/default.html you could preview their songs there!
Thats all for tonight. I need some shut eye...right now.
another pic of it! hee
my newly made shoes!
i love this pic....hee
someting for u to diGest
Heres wad i heard!
We all have photographic memories.. just that some have no films.. ha