The film tells of the story familiar to all - King Leonidas who lead the 300 brave Spartans who fought valiantly till death along with 700 Thespians defending the Pass of Thermopylae(Hot Gates) against the astounding forces of the Persian army ruled by Xerxes in August, 480 B.C. A certain Rodrigo Santoro played Xerxes and If I wasnt show his picture by a fellow classmate , I would have thought him to be a fag like most. Or that he resembled a local comedian, Kumar. Only upon viewing his picture did I realise he was a hottie.
The fact that all the bloody scenes of the film wouldnt be described as gross nor violent is enough to show its true beauty. Instead I was brimed up with the heroism and beauty in they way they fought. I also absolutely dug the part where the Queen retorted the Persian messenger when he chastised King Leonidas on a women's right to speak. Not to spoil the show but she famously said " only Spartan women give birth to real men." Another scene that I thought to be extreme in beauty was the one with the oracle, her twirlings through the air, her posture and manner only seem like that achieved in ancient paintings. Before watching the show I remember insisting to a friend that the sculpted bodies wouldnt get me bothered. But okay, sorry to say indeed those Spartans impressed me more then I thought. Verdict is : 8 pacs sets the standard now and 6 are for gay men.
the end.