I was overcame with the urge to blog, so I punched in the respective apple shortcuts with much anticipation.
Out comes a window with my homepage- the yahoo site.
Then Lo and Behold.
What caused my asian eyes to probably cross its marks was the
" Heath Ledger, 28, found dead"
naturally, as with death. It causes your heart to Sink and your mind to spin.
and the song goes " I was meant to tread the water..Now I've gotten in too deep"
speaking of which , after a full 24hours of discernible conflicts about my career paths.
Even making it thus far to even attend an interview the day before. I have reached Nirvana.
I have decided in this promising moment to throw myself into the world advertising, I think the word throw is largely an understatement .
To be honest, I was about to settle for communications or account servicing. But on not the 2nd thought, but countless thoughts and couple of soliloquies, a late night and frantic search on job listings.
I realise , there's nothing I want more.
Never mind If I have to do that internship all over again. I do believe the Journey is the reward this time.