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    Business Director of and by day, avid whisky and spirits connoisseur by night.

    I can be contacted at Alethea Views expressed are my own, not that of the brands I associate with nor work with.

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    when I do get to Paris someday with ma cherie.

    I would eat 1/2 a dozen or more of Pierre Hermes Macaroons. Not to mention those from Laduree as well
    go- faire du lèche-vitrine. "Licking the windows"
    Spend an entire day in the Lourve
    Another day in Musee Picasso
    Go to all the different marchés to ogle at the gorgeous food and groceries
    Take a picture at the arc de triompe and the Effiel tower
    Spend time by the sidewalks of a boulangerie
    I read that French government decides the price of a baguette or a croissant and it's the same all over France? Who knew?

    ok let's continue

    I'll ride my Velo and park them at any velib station on Rue Cambon
    and what's a girl to do on Rue Cambon. go shopping at Chanel of course ! :)
    (or 101 Rue Cambon......)
    Bonjour Paris?

    ‚ù§ "" was Posted On: Monday, December 28, 2009 @12/28/2009 01:51:00 PM | 0 lovely comments ‚úø
    Idea killers!

    It's really cute. Click to enlarge and read.

    Creatives will definitely dig these.

    ‚ù§ "Idea killers!" was Posted On: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @12/23/2009 12:00:00 PM | 0 lovely comments ‚úø

    Today, I am extremely disturbed after stumbling on an aerial view of slaughtered baby harp seals.

    These 3 week old baby seals are hunted too often for their fur in places such as Canada, Russia and Norway during whelping season in March/ April.

    Early this year, the Russian government placed a ban on seal clubbing, while the law has stepped in. We all know things still go on unregulated.

    Each seal pelt fetches up to 33 dollars each. (Which really isn't much, and I believe an animal's life is worth so much more.)

    Every year, over 300000 seals in Canada alone are clubbed to death in the spring, while the trade of these pelts are banned in US, Belgium and Germany. Our neighbors up east in China, Taiwai, Korea and fashionable Hk have not done so. Neither has the Canadian government place a ban on this inhumane activity.

    Please go to the humane society international petition page to sign your pledge in boycotting Canadian seafood and tourism till something is done to protect these baby harp seals.
    You might also want to sign the Hk SPCA's petition to ban the seal related trade
    Thank you.

    ‚ù§ "" was Posted @12/23/2009 10:39:00 AM | 0 lovely comments ‚úø

    wishing and hoping..and thinking and praying.

    ‚ù§ "" was Posted On: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @12/22/2009 08:00:00 PM | 0 lovely comments ‚úø

    For the week before christmas, this is surprisingly hum drum.
    Hello to the overwhelming sense of boredom that just came over me this afternoon. I hope you leave soon.

    ‚ù§ "" was Posted On: Sunday, December 20, 2009 @12/20/2009 01:35:00 PM | 0 lovely comments ‚úø

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