I was extremely tickled at how our last 2 pictures turned out.
Check out our turbo powered blades? hahahhaa
and I'm held in awe tonight. over the littlest things.
It would have been an overdoes of subculture and an exposure to some 1001 utterances of the grand 'F' word.
so I managed trainspotting, and boy Ewan Mcgregor as a drug reliant teenage? that is new.
I could'nt do Requiem. Because at the end of it, I knew my swearing problem would have max-ed out the richter scales. Much to the dismay of my mother superior.
so, tonight. I'm trying to write my academic papers if you don't mind me.
I did however sidetracked a little, and watched the film Juno, which were couple notes too serious , even when one of the characters, Bleeker was played by the same boy who was Evan in Superbad.
ok back to that paper.
I was overcame with the urge to blog, so I punched in the respective apple shortcuts with much anticipation.
Out comes a window with my homepage- the yahoo site.
Then Lo and Behold.
What caused my asian eyes to probably cross its marks was the
" Heath Ledger, 28, found dead"
naturally, as with death. It causes your heart to Sink and your mind to spin.
and the song goes " I was meant to tread the water..Now I've gotten in too deep"
speaking of which , after a full 24hours of discernible conflicts about my career paths.
Even making it thus far to even attend an interview the day before. I have reached Nirvana.
I have decided in this promising moment to throw myself into the world advertising, I think the word throw is largely an understatement .
To be honest, I was about to settle for communications or account servicing. But on not the 2nd thought, but countless thoughts and couple of soliloquies, a late night and frantic search on job listings.
I realise , there's nothing I want more.
Never mind If I have to do that internship all over again. I do believe the Journey is the reward this time.
Wagyu steak fillets that melt in your mouth, Scallops dipped in lime juice, Shitake Mushrooms and more.
This japanese table barbeque kicks ass.
I had once, another Japanese grill - keyaki @ the Pan pacific hotel. The bill ran up to a stunning 300bucks just for 2.
Tajimaya has great tasting food, minus the grand chefs at keyaki.
And at a more affordable price.
Dinner for 2 cost us 130, Alcohol raked up 1/2 of what we paid.
I do think it is a decent amount to pay for such savory fare.
as if the food didnt bring me enough bliss, I headed to the cinema for some Wong Kar Wai offerings.
It is 4:38, I am convinced that Ive screwed my body clock up.
So much that my mom commented that I was still in the US and A.
so, I was checking out some songs awhile ago, ranging from Rufus Wainwright to The Academy Is and lastly Yelle.
trust the french to crank up the funy factor sometimes.
Here's Fatal Bazooka ft Yelle- with Parle a ma main
Which means. talk to the hand.
and if you need them translations
Our proud Mj with her little cornelia
Now, you must be thinking I'm the perpetrator, but hold your horses! I wasnt the one who bought that jack spade bag. It was Mikko. I had meant to get a pair of opaque tights from topshop but I couldnt decide on the colour. So I'm putting that off for now.
Mj has been out of her confinement period for the longest time, what good friends are we - turning up only when baby Cornelia is a grand age of 3months. Them babies are pretty things, very intuitive. Baby Cornelia was squirming with delight, and in small doses giving us her baby gibberish. I bought her a pink babysuit which declares "I <3 NY" , yes I couldnt resist.
Dont you just like how they gaze into your eyes and break out instantly in innocent laughter. How their tiny fingers grasp tightly on your single finger, with that little tug that goes all the way to your heart?
so here's this young mommy,mj, imparting some parenting 101 skills to the wide-eyed friends of hers. Even going thru the drama of the delivery bit. Words like contraction, waterbag, stitching, dilation" were uttered in abundance. I didnt mean to , but my face scrunched up and my heart sank along with her every other word.
I think babies are the best thing on earth, but right now, at age 22, I cannot paint a picture of myself anywhere near Mj. My mom herself is tickled by the fact that her own daughter just doesnt fit into this picture. At least not now.
First up, I have allow myself to fall sick on the 2nd last day of my Los angeles Leg,
I received my commencement plaque this afternoon to my dismay, shall i lament how cheap it looks, even I can produce a better plaque.
It's 2008, I have europe in mind and oh, Would i love to breathe the air there.
I have told myself to get my ass to church. I dont know how.
And on the same note, these insensible things that is , I'm broke, and i didnt bring home enough gifts for all. Whatever happened to that shopaholic in me?
So there's a mini gathering of sorts at my poolside this saturday. Alcohol, is on me. I've got the baileys, Jacob's creek, desert wines, how about some Choya too?
Just bring on the company.
Also I'm not going to deny that ive pulled a 'where wally' act on my friends , tho the name in question is more the likes of Alethea or Jane if you wished. I did not answer calls, nor return them. hahahahhahaha I just slept hours straight. Bravo. I didnt know how good i was at that actually.