I don't know why they call it a competition.When it's obviously my coronation.
If you asked me , thats a fucking smart line for the crowbar 2008 awards!
Apt enough, If I make it to the top for my pageant. This might come in handy.
Ok I kid. Why so serious?
Other than this, I have the NIKE human race to look forward to this week, coupled with my pageant events!
For the uninformed. I walk 15mins every morning from the MRT to my workplace (not to mention the 45mins spent commuting on buses and trains). So I got to work at about 910 am, guess I was lucky to have avoided the rain that aptly started when I got to my workplace!
Oh yes, anyone who's interested in attending the Miss earth pageant show on the 30th of August at the Arena. Tickets at up at 25bucks each (comes with 2 drinks) . They're sold at the official site for 28 bucks. Contact me :) or buzz me please.
And I present to you, the lowest point of my day..Having broke my fingernail whilst finger feels naked with its flesh exposed..Not to mention the pain.
Ah woe be gone......

Time with my Cousins and family friends

catalog shoot

We met various personalities last night, from Mr Neo, the GM of Breitling, to Mr Jeremy Lim, GM of cortina watches who showed us some cool JLC and Wyler watches, also the CEO of The Mill, models from looque and diva, a pilot, and a guy who claims he swam beside Michael Phelps. Such events always have a wicked mix of people
Nick and I got our picture taken by the event photographer, now..If I only know which publication the picture's gonna appear on.
I think I must have had over 6 glasses of champagne, along with wine and whiskey - Macallan, no less.... coupled with an empty stomach It was a definite recipe for disaster, or shall I say Hang Over.
Last by not least, I present to you - The Brietling Advenger Skyland in black steel! What a beauty!

As much as Daddy thinks I'm Singapore's Imelda marcos, I do believe I'll use those vouchers to acquire some sort of formal dress for cocktail events and dinners, instead of usual the footwear I like to splurge on. Along with gifts for my mom. My mother happens to be really slim, so we share clothes from time to time. Lucky me huh?
The Long Weekend
Ah, this thing we call a weekend, felt like a long one. It's been probably 2-3 months since my last haircut, like it or not. I'm seeing my bad hair days multiply two folds. My phone has caused the ire of countless friends when it just refused to cooperate with my smses and calls. I reckon it was my own doing after dropping the phone numerous times to just being the apathetic me when it comes to smsing.
For some reason or other, I find myself playing Katie Melua's cover of the cure's [Justl like Heaven] at rates that anyone would find maniacal. Tis a weekend well spent though, dinner at the aunts, a run at acid bar, 4kms jog in 30minutes, the 12 Lotus gala premier, (thanks Zicong for the tix!)
Like everyone else, I've been particular excited too about the Olympic Games. Especially when it comes to gymnastics, partly because of the yummy physiques on parade. *grin* Mom loves to watch tennis, Dad loves anything that's on when his family's beside him. My brother loves his girl friend and maybe not much of the Olympics. ha
Now about the pictures i posted. In its utter haphazardness.
They include those we took at Aston, the cheesecake cafe, in the car, and the 12 Lotus Gala premier. My friend Sugie (green cap) if you remember, was a contestant in project superstar, He's gone on to greater things such as hosting and acting in some dramas. Most recently, on taiwan's popular 'Million star' singing contest. He made it to 7th place. Out of a couple thousand contestants from taiwan, Los Angeles, Singapore etc. I just have to say he did so well, alot of talent there. *wink*
Oh and don't you just love that little tyke in the pictures. He's french : )
Now, If you would allow me. I have to get some sleep.

OH MY LORD, I find myself on the top spot today in terms of votes on the Miss Earth website. A big thank you to all you sweethearts who dropped me votes or have in one way or another given me so much encouragement and love : ) These votes, coupled with the support we will get on the swimsuit show and coronation night shall dictate the winner of 'Miss popularity'. It doesn't matter if I do not win in the end because all I want is for you guys to be proactive in conserving the environment. All the contestants are really beautiful and knowledgeable , I reckon we are all winners in our own right.
My friend Jackie has offered to help me take pictures during the pageant events, thank you very much. Irwan for voting so many times. Don't waste the moolah already. And all those that I didn't name.
This might almost sound like a speech.
But I've so many people to thank till date, my brother - for chauffeuring me to event venues and fittings, everyone at work for your daily "whoa miss earth ah" remarks, To my bosses for approving my leaves, khomi for your vote -- I hope you start using less tissues. Thanks also to those who like reminding me of how I sounded like Miss congeniality or captain planet with my featured quotes on the site. Mom who wanted to vote for me - apparently I told her not to. Not sure if she did tho. Dad and Mom for bringing me up in the best way possible, so that I am who I am today.
I'll stop here and save the best for last.
There's an upcoming Bikini show, *chuckles* Yes, I bet you guys are most interested in this part. I'll update you guys about the tickets. Meanwhile, anticipate the best.
The Coronation night is on the 9th of September at the Arena in Clarke Quay.
details soon!
Cheers and I'm off the watch the Olympic games on TV.
To those who love Indie - The Mystery Jets are performing at Zouk on the 20th of Sept for ReadySetGLo!
Yes , If you haven't already heard, I'm one of the finalist :)
Do vote for me as your Miss Earth at
Alternatively, you could just give me a call to say you love me. If you don't do that, I'll assume you're gonna have to vote for me. hahhaa
Hugs and kisses to you all
Oh and don't forget to do your part in being green *wink*
Alethea jane
Noah and the Whale
These 2 videos are all directed by James Copeman. Pretty awesome I'll say. I love the 60s/70s feel to it.
Mystery Jets - Young Love
Nike+ Human Race
A big thank you to those at Nike and Nuffnang for the complimentary pass to the Nike Human Race. I've just signed myself up and will be training with whatever time I have left. Just when I thought I wasn't gonna make it for this race, I received a call from Miss Yang from nuffnang about my complimentary pass.
Now what a pleasant surprise!

rub a dub dub,
Try washing the dishes,washing the toilet,
handwashing the laundry
and then machine washing another load of laundry,
and if that's not sufficient.
Fold all the clothes from the last load.
And then pack the frigging shelve full of your brother's stuff.
All with a runny nose that started somewhere in the mid afternoon, and done right about dinner.
I am knackered as can be and my hands are dry from exposure to soap. *Sigh*
Live to die.
Pretty nasty stuff, makes you think twice about eating meat.
Well I'm by no means saying we should all turn vegan overnight. But we could eat less meat,
Meatout for 1 day a week or chose organic farmed poultry or free range chickens : )
energy spent
I'm absolutely KNACKERED from those 2 hours spent wake boarding.....
cable skiing at East Coast