in an hour odd, ill be the new year!
Today was great, apart from morning where my stinky brother hollered his lungs out into my face. As usual, Biostatistics lectures cloud my mind with question marks. HA...Next it was Advanced Eln Lecture, Min Came along and sat beside me,Along with chamebelle, the 3 of us yak-ed thru the entire lecture. Mr Tony Khaw was probably dying to Hammer us with the mic ... !!
When i finally left sch at 1:20 pm, i went home, changed and went to town.
Kenneth wanted to pass my an xmas present which i unwrapped before him! haa thanks for the windchime. Unique!! Then we went to watch THE FOCKERS. the show was fantabulous.. I was glued to my seat the whole time, laughing my heart out! LOVED IT! comedies are always great. I perfer that much more to horror these days.
I chose not to count down this year, Just didn't really have the mood. I wanted to be away from the crowds, away from the bangalas...I wanted to be in the comfort of my home!...
Resolutions for the coming year:
1) this resolution is on the list every year : GET GOOD GRADES
2) Exercise more
3) Save more Money
4) Be nicer to my family members
5) Bring my doggie for more walks
6) Go to church more often
7) Remember more people's birth dates
8) Compliment people more and not comment!! ha
9) Eat less Junk Food but more buffets.... i miss kuishinbo
10) Gain say Five kgs thru the buffets *wink
lastly...i wanna learn to bake all sorts of stuffs! .. so i can give em to special people oh and my lovely friends. Oh but currently i don't have a special someone ! hhaha so i've all the time to learn to bake nice stuff!
I love my new gucci envy me. Everyone, if u see me, smell me today! haa It was an Xmas gift from an old pal.
We were in town last night to catch the phantom of the opera. Somehow it wasn't my kinda show? I Thought it was ...
nonetheless it wasnt that bad. =D The singing was immaculate.
Schools at twelve today, I 've not done the tutorial questions Me and Belle were asked to present! darn. and Ive misplaced that maths table of mine.... Looks like i've to get a new one!
i've got some yummy new perfume! haaa
frodo's realli cute pic! he looks like a DOLL
the 12 days of xmas
Below are the pictures taken in sch on xmas eve.! yes School was till 1pm that day , somehow we all stayed till 3 odd 4 or something in the BICU. We had absolutely no fixed plan on how to celebrate.. I equate that happening to the rushing of stinking reports, the lack of time and the lack of sleep . So After lazing for a couple of hours, we went Opposite school to eat Lunch. Xmas eve lunch at a KOPITIAM!!!
Right, but the food was mouth watering thankfully. When we left school for town in the evening, the girls threw the guys aside to check out the mango sale! haa...we bought ourselves some clothes...and bags. Den proceeded to have our dinner at mos burger. The silly me, was toooo anxious to eat. I COuldnt wait for mos, so i rann all the way into breadtalk, grab 3 breads and an orange juice, Stuffed everything into my tiny mouth thinkin i could still have mos later. haha
When we finally arrived at Mos burger, boy was i filled. hahahaha =D
After our reunion with the guys. We did something stupid, we went out into the streets.
When Artifical snow sprays surrounded me just like the immense amt of bangalas who were tryin to get a piece of Me! I HATE EM!.....someone even followed behind my back and kept spraying me all over...
The blasted bangalas were stomping on my feet like forever, rocking back and forth , leaning on me and whatsoever! IM was.....totally pissed.. To the point of tears really...
Thats all i have for xmas eve
Christmas was better for sure, I had a really lovely dinner at my pal's place. His entire family including his cousins , aunties and uncles were realli lovely people. Im impressed by their warmth, i don't usually experience such warmth from other people's family. But this is somehow comparable to how my mom treats my friends =D. After Lunch, we returned to his place where he instantly fell asleep and When i proceeded to yak non stop with his little sister.
I even brought her to the doctor. HA.... God must love me.
Okay so i had lots of fun. So did Mom at her cell group's PArty.
I wanna have xmas over at my own Home nx year! woooo.. hehe we'll see wouldnt we?
Thanks Aloysius for the ring with the blings .. i knew it you're broke because of that.... =(, thanks claudia for that super sweet photoframe with our picture in it!Thanks mie for that nightmare before xmas' Jigsaw...its so damn cute! ...Thanks MAX for the present you're gonna give me in some days time. hee thanks bro for the nice roxy top..which i ve already worn! Justin once more for the ipod which i got realli realli early and the others whom ive not mention.
Im actually totally guilty this year for not sending out any christmas card. I din really have the time to. When i received Camy's card(my pri 4 best pal) , i felt so bad...... its like since pri 4 or someting we nv fail to send each other xmas cards each yr. This year..... i broke the chain! boohoo.
I promise to mail pple cards nx year. haaa
Lastly I thank God for all of you, for bearing with my silly attitudes, for loving me, accepting me and mostly for being part of my life. I love you all my friends!
now. who would love some cookies?
myself with bELLE
the four of us, squeezing at the back of the car
claudia and mee
barney in gleee
squid man , me and barney
a very engrossed Paul.. *yum
kelvin the snowman and myself
Me , Claudia and belle
snow in the BICU. heee
a closer shot!
models of tp? haa
Shop till u drop?
i went last min shopping today with meliza after school.... we had fun!
i got my mom a present, meliza a present too when she wasnt looking! *chuckles*
Oooh and my friends Max and JT. Hahaha..... IM so broke.. Perhaps someone can give me red packets for xmas.
RIght its the mango sale tomorrow. IM going nuts..! ....wooo....
i cant wait..
NIght world.
The present From Joel baboon! hee thanks alot BRo! heee
The xm'as prezzie from JIAN PO SOTONG! haa
MOmsy and mee!
And something just got me reminded of the show' LOVE ACTUALLY' .
i wished i had the DVD or something.
So here's my x'mas wishlist in no order.
So if you wanna get me something! haaa do look here!!
1) Love actually DVD
2) White capri pants
3) Diamonds in any forms.. *wink*
4) a pair of Nice black Heels - heres the size..try 5 or 6
5) ear rings and more ear rings!
6) a nice knit jacket
7) a dark demin skirt
Thats all folks! if u need to know the sizes ha ask me!
Quote of the day.
An average woman will choose Beauty over brains cos an average men see much better than they Think..
IM acting Silly. Shes acting silly ahhaa
Swweet lil cow
his ' im gonna kill u' face hahaa
the dork and the starlet *ahem which is mee* haaa
the lovely black lipped squid
the miniture cake and the squid man
jian po acting cool haha
the birthday boy with his salad
Yummy Salad
happy squid day
Tis the end of your birthday.... we hope you had fun =)
We'll have another round of celebrations for you this comin monday aigH?
wake me up.
Right i just got back!
here are the updates! Darren , my collegue brought me to marina country club ! We did wakeboarding. which set me back but 70bucks...for that 1 maginificent hour. For the 1st few tries i couldnt get my feet up on the board. I fell and fell....hahaaa.... Ok but Slowly i got the gist of it! And im proud to announce Im able to stand on the bOARD!!
Right so after all of that....we went to watch NAtional treasure.. (my 2nd time) But i still enjoyed ! haa..den we had dinner at billy bombers. Im realli tired now, Whats more school has started...... i need some shut eye.
Ill blog soon! wooo
and heres' the best God bro ever? haa
ok heres someting for everyone to laugh at!
THANKS A MILLION BRO! for the ipod...
Like i never thought i would get one as a gift.. and that stinky ipod had been on my wishlist like FOREVER! and Being so blessed by God . hA God sent you to me and you sent the pod to me!
And thanks for the kushinbo (however u spell it) TReat from you to all four of us last nite! Like i said! this is the BEST x'mas ever. even tho x'mas aint here yet haaa
Oh and also For the pizzas and mudpies and everything else!!
Generousity aside, don't forget to save part of your funds okay?
You must be expecting something from me for xmas...haa =D i wont dissappoint okay?
mommy's presentS
mom's cakee!!
Shiny Happy People!
HAts off! its 'graduation'!
mie looking really smart in his cap
the soldiers on the parade squaree
Mom and mee! in da carr on the way to Tekong
okay..guess who are those on the stage? i dunno either haa
a blurry image of all the audience of Singapore idol haa
light sticks..
Whos da IDoL
It was IDOL EXHilaration at the indoor stadium this very night.
The audiences were singing, screaming...waving their light stix frantically in the air..Holding up their flashy psychedelic banners and all. The atmosphere was beyond description....
Initially i thought it was gonna be a very close kinda fight. But the moment taufik sang 'Me and Mrs Jones'... I was blown away. Tonight that guys dreams...came true didnt it.
I just downloaded Me and Mrs Jones...Seriously speaking. Taufik's versions better!
RIght its my mommmy's birthdayyy! Happy Birthday Mommy. Tho I really doubt you ll ever visit my Blog.
And its also 2 days to mie's Passing out parade. I'll be in tekong with my momsy to attend it! haha pretty excited...
Then i met Aloysius and greg after my dinner ! Aloysius was realli sweet. Bought me ear rings cause i lost like 2 pairs this month! not forgetting some chocos too... yum
Oh well alrite and my friend melvin called me at like 10 and he offered me tix to SINGAPORE IDOL tomorrow. Man am i excited about it! *grin*