thru a spate of events.
1)losing my card holder which contains my IC, my licence, my student pass and more
2)then my HP slipped out of my pocket on the bus ride to work
3)This afternoon after checking my bank statement - 2 fraud transactions done on my debit card at soo kee jewellery. the damage done to me... 500 bucks. boohoo
the bright side of things, I got my IC back from some man at dempsey road where i dropped it, so i gave him a red packet.
my Hp was returned to me by some negro guy who alighted with me at the same bus stop. awesome!
the Bank situation ..pending.
but losing 500 is not the end of my life. However thru the first 2 events. I feel like God placed all these lovely people in my path who helped me along the way. My mom's a darling too for always telling me not to worry , cuz worry doesnt help. I think prayers do a great lot ! :)